1000 Vs 1000 Airsoft War in Europe

1000 Vs 1000 Airsoft War in Europe

BW5 smashing all records with the Warhammer!


Recent Border State of war 5 - OP Warhammer organized past the Border State of war Crew established a few new earth'south MILSIM and Airsoft records.

Border State of war 5 - Operation Warhammer held in the Czechia in the erstwhile armed services expanse of Ralsko during the last weekend of April hosted players on spot from 37 countries of the earth. The participants were exposed to a 50 hour intensive day and night infantry MILSIM operation in demanding weather, including intensive dark ops.

Edge War 5 in Apr 2013 was so far the largest by the ammount of players Airsoft and MILSIM 50 hour ongoing performance organized in the Czech Republic, Europe as well as in the world.

The event hosted over 50 historical vehicles and several helicopters for in-game deployment of more than 200 airmobile players directly into the rut of the boxing, setting a new Airsoft airmobile record as well.

A LARP city of ALISI featured more than 25 buildings and was inhabited by more than 300 LARP players, who interacted with the main game scenario with a special LARP game running in parallel to the infantry ops.

Border War Charity

The Border War Charity projection was introduced to the earth for the first time; this year it was sponsored mainly by G&G Armaments, Gun Fire, Bohemia Airsoft, Adventure Food, Voodoo Tactical, Airsoft Community Europe, LAhve SOS, Military Gear Center, and Tiger Tailor. The clemency lucky draw was a big success with more than 400 prices distributed among the players during the effect. The funds raised during this Charity activity will exist used to support children group homes in Central and Northern Bohemia.

Border War supported by the Czech Army

Likewise, this twelvemonth's Border State of war MILSIM was for the outset time visited by representatives of the Czech Ministry of Defense and Czech Army; a special exhibition of photographs from the latest deployment of Czech Army in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan was displayed in the Off zone, presenting this important piece of the Czech modern history to participants from the Czech Republic and abroad.

Shops and Sponsors

The Off zone traditionally offered a large diverseness of airsoft products, goodies to receive from the sponsors too as shops offering equipment for airsoft players; many gifts and samples from the sponsors were given to players for free and they had a chance to put their hands on the new products. Master sponsor of the consequence was G&1000 Armaments with lot of goodies which were distributed to players during the event. Traditional professional catering accompanied the entire event with first-class food for reasonable prices and a great not-alcoholic Czech beer.

Behind the Scenes

BW5 preparation including the several pre-scenarios supporting the pregame development took 10 months. On-spot BW Crew consisted of 140 people on spot.

Because We Care

Edge State of war MILSIM was again supported by professional medical services provided by the company Medevac (www.medevac.cz). 3 Ambulances, more than than 30 paramedics in jeeps and on quad bikes, a surgeon and internist doctors were present throughout the game, medical readiness for the event was set to Nato Role / Echelon 2 medical standard and, being ready to assistance all players in need within 2 minutes later being notified via phone or radio at any place on the big battlefield

According to feel of near of the Medevac crew from missions abroad  we adopted Role / Echelon 2 medical preparation fix up which is a higher level of medical services on spot outdoors. For example, on a music festival with twenty 000 people standard is to have Role i – Role 3 is an army field hospital, Role 4 is a Town Hospital. Of grade the event was too supported by local firefighters and police department. Safety of the players is Edge War organizers´ starting time priority.

The unique Meridian six of Border War 5

  • Highest number of players on spot and playing more 40 hours in a row (2300 players)
  • Largest Airmobile deployment in the airsoft history (200 players)
  • Largest LARP city with on spot built structured buildings in the Airsoft history (Including the three storey complex of the Banking company of Alisi) (25 constructed buildings)
  • Most advanced medical and rubber standard of any Airsoft events in Europe (Part 2 Achelon medical set – 30+ professional medical crew on spot)
  • Largest organizing the Coiffure e'er performed in organizing an airsoft event in Europe (Maybe in the world)
  • Largest usage of Human foot (Personal Eye Arrangement) by Milsistematika on an Airsoft event (104 devices)

About the organizer

Border War Crew have organized large scale international Airsoft games since 2008 and they have in their portfolio more than 85 events organized since 2003.

One of the major accomplishments was receiving an Award by readers of Popular Airsoft Magazine, when Edge State of war iv was voted the best Airsoft event of the world in February 2013. The Award was handed over to the organizer on IWA2013 fair in Nurnberg, Germany, in Feb 2013.

Most The Scenario:

The scenario of Operation Warhammer brought players to the equatorial Kingdom of Zagra, where Kings Royal Regular army launched a massive offensive against rebel forces of the People's Ground forces of Zagra (PAZ). The chief points of interests of both fighting sides were diamond and silver mines in the Lungo Norte province. The fighting armies managed to hold silver and diamond mines as they fought each other in the hard battles. Getting the slum town of ALISI to support any of the game side and hiring PMC forces to back up the operation were demanding special tasks that had to be considered very advisedly by HQs of both fighting armies. Edge War v freely adult the story line of Border State of war one, held in 2009, and was actually started with a Edge War - Black Ops pre event in September 2012 equally a living scenario where the Operation Warhammer closed the adult entrada of other pre events.

Functioning Warhammer Scenario resume:

On the Friday sunny morning, Job Forcefulness 56 assembled from Royal Ground forces of Zagra 17th Battalion "One thousand Zagra" and the Allied MEF expeditionary Forces gathered next to the Chore Force 56 base for an epic parade.

The Kings Representative held a speech communication in forepart of 1000 troops, motivating them to the upcoming battle. Right after the speech communication, on King's command, Task Force 56 opened the invasion by helicopter deployment of forward units to the PAZ insubordinate controlled territory. The airmobile units took control of the so called Old Colonial Fort as a spearhead of the upcoming invasion. Columns of TF56 heavy infantry and mechanized units followed right after the airmobile deployment, marching to the heat of the battle, very well motivated, downward to the savannah of the Lungo Norte province.

At the aforementioned time, PAZ HQ under command of the rebel full general chosen Red Scorpion was planning a defensive operation against the upcoming Task Force units. Sudden Task Force 56 airmobile insertion spotted by the PAZ LRRP units chosen "Crocodile Volunteers" led to an instant change of plans and a quick reaction of the PAZ rebels HQ to the unexpected offensive; first waves of insubordinate forces were thrown to the field in club to immediately counter the attack of the approaching Task Forcefulness.

On the Central and Eastern front of the battlefield, both armies managed to occupy the given objectives and made many attempts to attack and counterattack each other over the San Salvadore silver mines and Liselotte Coal Mine. First Emissaries were also sent to ALISI slum boondocks to explore the slum and detect out what was going on in that location.

The Battle over the Old Colonial Fort took more than than 8 hours of intensive fighting betwixt TF56 and PAZ units. In the heat of the boxing, the Task Force defenders run out of water, and in the blazing lord's day they got on the edge of their forcefulness and aridity. In lodge not to surrender this important strategic point by pulling back the troops, the Task Force commander Ville Tsombe Hades decided to transport a mechanized convoy with many liters of beverage water to support his Airmobile Units and to bring back the heavily wounded. Task Force Kilo Visitor supported by infantry fought their way to the old fort to resupply the fort defenders with water and ammo. This action helped to agree the fort much longer, it jump the attention of the PAZ forces to the western front and left the central and eastern front weakened to provide reward to the TF units invading in these areas.

Finally, in the late afternoon hours, PAZ (Yard-Coy) managed to take control of the One-time Colonial Fort after many casualties on both sides. The Boxing of the Erstwhile Colonial Fort became definitely ane of many memorable situations of the event.

Clear skies of Fri evening and the full moon set out a perfect ground for the night performance, which rolled to the early morning. Friday night operation brought many tactical ambushes and small tactical night fights amid all fighting sides across the entire battlefield, including both base perimeters. In the meantime, the city of ALISI continued with its gang struggles between Rusty Machetes and Black Skull gangs. During the night, Muhehe, "Tempest Bringer" Shaman of the Old Raven wing cult, came to the village, bringing dark clouds over the battlefield together with cold rain, dropping the temperature from 27 degrees on Friday to 13 degrees Celsius on Sabbatum. The Bank of ALISI, a three floor fortress with several machine gun towers, successfully started to operate, generating lot of black money to apply for the fighting sides in exchange for raw resources scavenged on the battleground.

Saturday daylight brought into the rainy morning a deployment of 2 wings of PAZ airmobile troops serving as forward units for a massive PAZ counteroffensive. The landing zone was supposed to be secured by the PAZ LLRP units, simply PAZ rebels all of a sudden plant themselves landing in the hot LZ. 1000.E.Southward.Due south. PMC units started fighting with the PAZ rebels over the LZ right later on the landing had been completed. Nevertheless, the marching columns of PAZ militias on the Eastern flank quickly recaptured the LZ and, at the same time, PAZ units managed to capture all mining stations throughout the battlefield and started hauling many resource for the rebels' treasury. Having found that the LZ is likewise hot, the PAZ command used ane of its strongholds to fire a rocket avalanche to the western perimeter of the Task Force base. This preventive strike bought time in holding the Job Force at the base instead of launching quick counter attack confronting the landing PAZ airmobile units.

The rocket barrage created havoc. Task Force general called an alert of potential strike with biochemical weapons, which resulted in most of the western perimeter of the base turning into a gas mask trench line. Presently later the rocket explosions, kickoff TF56 mechanized scouts in biochemical suits appeared from the fume, searching the terrain for virus spread by PAZ biochemical units. After few tests, the biochemical alert was called off equally no virus had been detected.

The Task Force launched a counter-offensive correct later that. During Saturday, heavy fighting was reported on all fronts. Veterans mentioned equally near heroic moments the Battles of Sandy Hills and Water Reservoir, where many acts of heroism occurred on both fighting sides.

Gang complots in the city of ALISI escalated and forced the Grand Colonel of ALISI to summon tribunals to estimate law breakers. The humid temper of the slum was kept under control past the Bocalan Inc, keeping order in the slum with the Banks machine gun towers. In the meantime, shaman "Tempest Bringer" started gathering his cultists and they started summoning various savannah spirits with the frantic beat of the drums. By accident, shaman was trialed by the Colonel and publicly executed by PMC murderers. Unfortunately this deed brought shaman'due south expletive over the battleground resulting in the incoming heavy storm in the evening hours. Despite the shamans curse, PAZ units platoon B-iii and B-iv managed to accomplish a special mission and assistance escort foreign agents who were able to negotiate a safe heaven for the PAZ treasury in a foreign land.

Saturday night continued with a large dark operation where all involved game sides searched for remains of a special cargo plane shot downwardly past a TF56 AA site. During the nighttime, the PAZ rebels also managed to gather a massive convoy and managed to evacuate a lot of wounded soldiers together with a large deposit of raw silverish and diamonds out of the battlefield to an unknown foreign country; co-ordinate to a Task Force intelligence report, ane of the wounded soldiers was the Rebel Commander Red Scorpion, who was supposed to be heavily wounded by Task Strength 56 Commandos during the early nighttime raid of PAZ base. This information was not 100% confirmed.

Saturday night also brought rebel raiders in some perimeters of the Task Force base, leaving minor causalities among troops, 1 HQ officeholder was confirmed KIA after he was captured making an inspection of the perimeter. The fighting continued all over the battlefield throughout the nighttime, despite the heavy cold rain.

On Sunday morning time, in chilly 6 caste Celsius temperature, both armies started fighting each other with the full force and no mercy once more. The Job Force mechanized columns started rolling towards the PAZ base on the Eastern front of the battlefield. Finding PAZ rebels (B-three, B-4 platoons) implementing Nuevo Ordenar on villagers of ALISI in practice, atrocity sites were secured after some minor fighting and horrified civilians were rescued subsequently the intervention of 1000.E.South.S. and Privateer and Consulting Inc. PMC corporations against the PAZ. Unfortunately, about of the village was deserted later the slaughter, some people spoke about daemon spirits crawling into the hamlet and eating civilians at night as a revenge of the shaman while other people said that the PAZ rebels had killed the villagers. No one knows where the truth is. The fact is that, according to Minacuan Agency of intelligence (MIB) Written report of ODA 145 Blackness Hammer squadron, reports said that daemon spirit possessions and hallucinations oft occurred amongst villagers and PMC units. Also, at night, C-3 and C-4 units of TF56 managed to fight off some strange being; platoon leaders agreed on some tropical mass hallucinations upshot after friendly fire was resolved. Independent reporters are shortly going to reveal more convincing story on the BWN news.

Both Job Force and PAZ rebel bases were continually under siege during Sunday; heavy fighting was reported at the eastern minefield perimeter, HQ was not destroyed though when a function of the base of operations was swamped past the incoming PAZ units. At the PAZ base in the front perimeter, an unspecified mob of the lost tribe of Raven Wing led by shaman Storm Bringer himself all of a sudden appeared among the Task Force mechanized infantry units – information technology is believed as some other folklore myth but in do the cult was somehow supporting the Chore Strength units in pushing the rebels back to the jungles.

In general, the rebel army was very successful in fulfilling the economic goals and managed to get many resources to support future revolutions. Task Force 56 was giving the rebels quite a hard time, accomplishing almost points of their offensive plans.

Well, and had information technology not been Game Off by Sun luncheon time, both parties would most probably take fought each other until today J

The subsequently match:

BWN Reporter Julia: And then how was fighting the Job Strength this yr, Commander Red Scorpion?

Red Scorpion: oh information technology was terrible - nosotros were expecting a agglomeration of tired heavy armored troops with Hamburgers and Roller Coaster and instead we had to fight against a very organized and well motivated legion of profs who were giving us quite a difficult time and pushing us to the border in some parts of the game. A few times we were fighting off the incoming Task Force to the final homo, including my HQ personnel. I must give this year's personal salute to the Task Force troops. As compared to last year, I have never met such a tough and organized opponent. It was such a pleasure to atomic number 82 my troops against them.

I'm honored I was able to cross swords with such a tough opponent. My personal greetings as well go to TF 56 HQ. You did a swell task; we felt it a lot during the game :).

It was conspicuously visible that in full general, this twelvemonth, players on both game sides had done a lot of preparations for the game in advance; it was obvious on players leading the PAZ troops every bit well equally on performance of the Opponent.

BWN Reporter Julia: So, now, permit united states of america ask the commander of TF56 what he thinks. Commander Hades, what are you lot feelings at present, right afterwards the battle? I saw you commanding the defense of your base of operations in front line with your troops during Sun.

Ville Tsombe Hades: I feel swell, it was quite demanding last 50 hours but I really enjoyed leading troops to fight confronting the rebels this year. It was an epic battle from my point of view, and I'grand happy with the upshot. I'm very happy with the Task Forcefulness 56 functioning!. Besides, I must say that the PAZ rebels were very tough opponents to fight against as always, just this time we came well prepared and I'm sure the boys on the other side felt it quite a few times, co-ordinate to the mission debriefs I received :).

I would like to thank all players on all of the 5 game sides for a great game. I hope to run into you all adjacent twelvemonth.

BWN News: Now let's ask the master organizer. Mike how do you come across the consequence yourself afterwards all these months of preparation?

Mike BW Crew: I'thousand personally very happy with the issue outcome, I take seen a lot of smiles on people's faces and, in general, we have by at present received very positive feedback from the event. Also, I'm proud of the BW Coiffure making so far the best event, from my betoken of view, we have ever made. I already see some points for improvements, but it will exist just cosmetics :). At present nosotros need to clarify in detail the feedback from the players and I recall nosotros will before long beginning working on Border War half-dozen.




In the meantime you can tag your cocky on our Border War Crew Facebook HERE

or you can besides tag your selve on our brand new Edge State of war Community site Hither

Before nosotros sort out all of the pictures in that location are several grand photos available on the Border War Coiffure facebook and on Border War Customs site on the Facebook.







Supported by:

Armáda České Republiky


1000 Vs 1000 Airsoft War in Europe

Posted by: mendozariention.blogspot.com

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